On Earth Day, peptide-based ag innovator shares sustainable vision

April 22, 2021 – (Research Triangle Park, North Carolina) – Vestaron, a leader in the evolution of agricultural environmental science, is solidifying their commitment to sustainability through the launch of a new multi-faceted sustainability platform, emPOWERED by Purpose.
With powerful novel solutions, Vestaron’s peptide-based products provide growers with the tools they need to overcome insecticide resistance without sacrificing performance or safety.
“Our commitment to sustainability comes from the necessity for safe, effective pest control for farmers and our unique ability to provide real solutions,” says Vestaron CEO Anna Rath. “Synthetic chemistry’s many shortfalls have continued to compound, like the slow speed of innovation against the emergence of resistance and environmental damage. Biologicals are known to be safe yet not always reliable or effective. Our peptide technology strikes the unique balance of having the efficacy of synthetics but the safety and sustainability of biologicals.”
Vestaron’s sustainable commitment is categorized under three key pillars: Sustainable Innovation, Collaboration with Nature, and Farmer Empowerment.
Sustainable Innovation
“Our commitment to sustainability starts at the very beginning in our product development,” said Bob Kennedy, PhD, chief scientific officer for Vestaron. “We’re specifically developing products with novel modes of action to fight insecticide resistance, at a speed that gets these solutions in the hands of farmers quicker than ever before. Through our unique product discovery and evolution, we develop solutions that are safe, sustainable and highly renewable.”
Collaboration with Nature
“No one understands the delicate balance between crops and nature better than farmers themselves,” said Ben Cicora, SVP sales and marketing for Vestaron. “With that balance in mind, we have formulated a suite of products that target pests without harming bees, mammals, fish, farm workers or natural enemies of pests. When the product breaks down, it returns to the soil as nutrients and poses no negative effect to the ecosystem.”
Farmer Empowerment
“We know that a farmer-focused product is about more than just efficacy,” said Cicora. “Vestaron’s current innovations allow farmers to maintain cooperation with their surroundings, including waterways and pollinators. Our products allow for a short worker re-entry period, zero-day pre-harvest interval, maximum residue level exemption and a positive ROI.”
Vestaron’s Sustainability Aspirations
Vestaron’s commitment to sustainability is so critical that the company is releasing their aspirations for themselves and other agriculture industry members to work toward. They include: continuing to bring safe new modes of action to the market quickly, increasing effective options beyond synthetic pesticides, and increasing honey bee and beneficial insect populations. Vestaron is also aligned to several UN Sustainable Development Goals set in 2015, including #2 Zero Hunger, #6 Clean Water and Sanitation, and #15 Life on Land.
To learn more about Vestaron’s emPOWERED by Purpose sustainability platform, visit www.vestaron.com/socialresponsibility.
Ben Cicora, SVP Sales & Marketing • 970.443.9220 • bcicora@vestaron.com
Steve Betz, VP Communications • 515.707.6096 • sbetz@vestaron.com