Vestaron and CAP Join Forces to Revolutionize Portuguese Agriculture with Sustainable Inputs


Vestaron Corporation, a leading company in the development of environmentally friendly biopesticides, and the Confederação dos Agricultores de Portugal (CAP), the national farmers’ confederation of Portugal, are thrilled to announce a groundbreaking collaboration designed to help Portuguese producers implement a range of treatments against insect pests created with peptides (amino acid molecules) that deliver the efficacy of conventional insecticides but provide the safety of biological products. The collaboration marks a significant step forward in sustainable agriculture and promises to enhance both productivity and environmental stewardship within the Portuguese farming community.

Vestaron’s revolutionary approach to pest control aligns with CAP’s commitment to promoting responsible and efficient agricultural practices. Employing innovative technology to harness the power of nature, Vestaron has developed a range of bioinsecticides that target pests effectively while minimizing harm to beneficial insects, the ecosystem, and human health. This collaboration will see the integration of Vestaron’s advanced biopesticide solutions into Portuguese farming systems, fostering a more balanced and sustainable approach to pest management.

Vestaron and CAP will work hand in hand to provide Portuguese farmers with access to state-of-the-art agricultural inputs that have the potential to transform their operations. This collaboration will not only address the challenges posed by conventional chemical pesticides but also contribute to the reduction of chemical residues in food, safeguarding consumer safety and the environment.

We are excited to partner with CAP to bring our innovative biopesticide solutions to Portuguese growers.

This collaboration reflects our shared vision for a more sustainable and resilient European agricultural sector. By combining Vestaron’s cutting-edge technology with CAP’s extensive network and expertise, together we will empower farmers to adopt ecologically responsible practices that benefit both their crops and the environment.”

~ Anna Rath, CEO of Vestaron

CAP is dedicated to promoting agricultural advancements that prioritize long-term sustainability. Our partnership with Vestaron underscores our commitment to providing Portuguese farmers with the tools they need to thrive while preserving our natural resources. By introducing innovative and eco-friendly solutions, we are contributing to a greener future for Portuguese agriculture.”

~ Luis Mira, CAP Secretary General

Vestaron and CAP are confident that this collaboration will serve as a model for future agricultural initiatives that prioritize the well-being of farmers, consumers, and the environment. Together, they are poised to drive positive change in Portuguese agriculture and set a precedent for responsible farming practices on a global scale.


Ben Cicora, SVP Sales & Marketing • 970.443.9220 •