Practical sustainability
Our global food system needs effective, sustainable crop protection. In response, Vestaron seeks to overcome existing insecticide resistance issues while offering a desired safety profile for workers, beneficials, and our environment.
We focus on three pillars:

Sustainable innovation

Collaboration with nature

Farmer empowerment
We’re leading the way to a safer, more sustainable future for agriculture:
- Converting more acres to sustainable pest management
- Developing effective options beyond synthetic pesticides
- Increasing honeybee and beneficial insect populations
- Bringing new modes of action to the market quickly so they are available to growers in desperate need of new tools

Protecting Pollinators – Bee Friendly Farming
Honeybees are needed to cross-pollinate over 85% of agricultural crops and have been in danger of decline because of multiple factors, including pesticide use. Vestaron has been named a Bee Friendly Partner of the Pollinator Partnership, the largest organization in the world dedicated exclusively to the protection and promotion of pollinators and their ecosystems. To further promote honeybee health, Vestaron supports the Bee Friendly Farming (BFF) program which emphasizes bee health onNorth American farmlands.