emPOWERed by Purpose

Vestaron’s commitment to a sustainable future

emPOWERed by purpose

Vestaron Announces New Sustainability Commitment through the launch of a new multi-faceted platform, emPOWERed by Purpose. READ MORE

As leaders in the evolution of agricultural science, Vestaron is leading an innovative, sustainable peptide-based revolution in crop protection.

We provide powerful novel solutions for growers to overcome resistance without sacrificing performance or safety – emPOWERed by peptides for the sustainability of farms, farmers and the planet.

Sustainability is about having effective, environmentally friendly tools at the grower’s ready hand to control the insects that would otherwise remove 1/3 our food supply.
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Chief Scientific Officer, Vestaron

Our innovations promote sustainability through:

  • Novel modes of action in the fight against resistance
  • Renewable product development using sugars and yeast, not fossil fuels
  • Harnessing the power of synthetics with the safety and sustainability of biologicals
For farmers, it’s critical to maintain the delicate balance between healthy, highly productive crops and the health of pollinators and natural enemies of pests. Examining your pest control strategy and utilizing products like SPEAR® that target pests without harming bees is a significant step you can take now toward achieving that ideal balance.
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Ben Cicora

SVP Sales and Marketing, Vestaron

We’re working in collaboration with nature by:

  • Developing a peptide-based technology that breaks down to amino acids
  • Promoting land use stewardship with softer chemistry
  • Being soft on honey bees, mammals, fish and natural enemies of pests
  • Targeting only specific pests, protecting beneficial insects and their important impact
  • Spreading the Bee Friendly Farming Message and promoting Certification
Products like Vestaron Spear® LEP help us get in there and control that population early, so the hope is thoughout the season you're applying less, you're spraying less... there's less environmental impact to the orchard so we have the highest quality fruit with the lowest amount of input.
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Keith Veselka

Orchard Operations Manager, NWFM Management.

Our Commitment

We’re leading the way toward a safer, more sustainable future for agriculture which includes::

  • Converting more acres to sustainable pest management
  • Developing effective options beyond synthetic pesticides
  • Increasing honey bee and beneficial insect populations
  • Continuing bringing safe new modes of action to the market quickly so they will be available to growers

Doing our part in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Goal 2: Zero Hunger
  • Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing
  • Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
  • Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • Goal 14: Life Below Water
  • Goal 15: Life on Land