Since 2014, the European Landowners Organization has awarded organizations that develop outstanding and innovative projects aimed at protecting bees and preserving biodiversity. This year, Vestaron became the first US company to receive the European Bee Award in the category of Technological Solutions to Reduce Farming Operations Impact on Pollinators.
Vestaron’s R&D team successfully identified, modified, and manufactured products based on naturally occurring peptides with insecticidal properties – including peptides from spider venom. Our peptide-based insecticides are highly targeted to specific pests and as effective as traditional synthetics, but safer for pollinators and farm workers, and softer on biodiversity.
The award specifically recognizes the positive impact of our technology platform, led by our first active ingredient, SPEAR® which offers new modes of action to curtail the development of insecticide resistance and may be applied without impact on bees, mammals, fish, farm workers or natural enemies of the pests. After use, the products break down into simple amino acids which serve as soil nutrients leading to a use profile that includes a 4-Hour re-entry interval, 0-Day preharvest interval, and a maximum residue limit (MRL) exemption.
“It’s an honor to be recognized in the EU for our transformational crop protection products. Vestaron is on the leading edge of helping farmers adopt new and better production tools that are sustainable and pollinator-friendly. We’re excited that industry organizations and governments around the world are taking notice,” says Sarah Fox, VP of Sustainability at Vestaron.
Vestaron is committed to sustainability as a guiding principle for our work. We recognize the critical role that honey bees play as pollinators in crop production. Vestaron forged a relationship with and made a $30,000 commitment to Bee Friendly Farming (BFF) which builds on our pollinator-friendly product offering that helps farmers control pest pressures with more sustainable solutions. The well-respected BFF program supports producers in their efforts to promote and protect bee health on their lands.
Sarah Fox, VP of Sustainability • (970) 646.1491 • sfox@vestaron.com
Steve Betz, VP Communications • 515.707.6096 • sbetz@vestaron.com