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Vestaron Submits Another New AI for High-Value Field Crops

New BASIN product family the latest from Vestaron’s peptide-based pipeline


April 6, 2021 – (Research Triangle Park, North Carolina) – Vestaron, the company leading a peptide-based revolution in crop protection, is bringing a new active ingredient for pest control to high-value field crops. With this innovation, Vestaron continues to empower growers with novel, effective chemistries that address proven targets using peptides to overcome existing resistance issues while offering a desired safety profile for workers, bees, beneficials and the environment.

In 2019, Vestaron introduced growers to the SPEAR® product line, offering the first unique mode of action in more than eight years, acquiring a new Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) Group number 32.
On March 15, 2021, Vestaron submitted its next product family, BASIN®, to the EPA, fulfilling the promise of continued new and novel solutions for growers. Like SPEAR, BASIN is active on the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) at yet another new site, allowing it to be added to integrated pest management programs to fight insects and resistance.

“The submission of BASIN not only ensures an additional tool for growers in the continued struggle against resistance,” Ben Cicora, VP Sales and Marketing explains, “it validates the pipeline and promise Vestaron has been making to the market to provide innovative chemistry that delivers an exceptional environmental profile and a robust new solution growers can count on.”

As with SPEAR, based on similar study results, BASIN should offer a short re-entry interval, a zero-day pre-harvest interval and will be maximum residue limit (MRL) exempt. BASIN will be an alternative to other synthetic chemistries for use in fruit, nuts and other high-value field crops targeting lepidopteran pests. Basin continues to impress with field data results equal to Spear and other synthetic insecticides.

“This second product on its way to the market proves that Spear was not an aberration,” shares Anna Rath, CEO of Vestaron. “Vestaron is capable of reliably and consistently delivering novel AIs targeting the most important, most valuable, proven receptors in insecticidal chemistry with safe, environmentally friendly peptides that deliver on our promises. Our pipeline is deep, and we are confident that our products will be the solutions growers need to initially strengthen and ultimately completely evolve their IPM strategies for years to come.”



Ben Cicora, SVP Sales & Marketing • 970.443.9220 •
Steve Betz, VP Communications • 515.707.6096 •