Health Factors For Bees

My life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. There are some big risks involved with being a bee. Not only do I have to worry about nasty varroa mites, I also have to be conscious of the pesticides that humans use on crops because they might be harmful to my hive. It is important for scientists to develop sustainable crop protection products that balance the health factors for bees, and other pollinators, with growing healthy foods for people to eat. Peptide based insecticides do not persist in our environment but break down into simple nutrients. They are soft on honey bees, fish, mammals, and natural enemies of pests. Peptide based insecticides target only the pests that would make foods unhealthy and they keep us pollinators safe at the same time! These are just a few of the many factors that impact the bee population.

Here are a few more that are important considerations for a sustainable future in farming and agriculture:


Solution: Partnering with organizations to bring new, foreign genetic material into the U.S. as improved breeding stock for beekeepers.


Solution: Outlining the benefits and management practices for on-farm pollinator habitat and supporting the distribution of wildflower seed


Solution: Investigating treatment options and supporting beekeeper outreach on best approaches to control this devastating pest


Solution: Understanding if the pest control materials needed to protect the almond crop also impact bees and providing farmer training to minimize impacts


Solution: Kickstarting Tech Transfer Teams that work with beekeepers to monitor hives and advise on pest and disease treatment

Peptide Empowered Technology

As an alternative to neonics, Vestaron continues to improve a yeast production system that is ideal for making, folding, and secreting cysteine-rich peptides. To perfectly balance the needs of crop protection with safeguards for the environment, these peptides remain effective for up to two weeks. Yet, they do not persist in the environment but break down into simple nutrients.